
Announce the songs and assist the congregation by leading the singing throughout the Mass. Volunteers need to be able to carry a tune, although you don’t have to be an expert.
Contact Person: Eleanor Steber
Telephone: 618-395-2046
Email: ronels@otbnet.com
Contributes and participates in the spiritual enhancement of our parish and community by celebration through music. Choir members sing at Saturday or Sunday Mass (mid-September through May) on a rotational basis, Christmas Eve, Holy Week, and other special services. Rehearsal is scheduled on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week. Junior high age students and above are welcome.
It is the duty of the Communion Ministers to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. By being a minister of the Eucharist you will deeply enrich your own mystery of Christ and the people you serve. Training is provided, time commitment will vary from month to month.
Guidelines (rev. 2010)
Contact Person: Father Mark
Telephone: 618-841-7324
Email: mstec88@msn.com
Gift bearers present the Gifts at the altar in the name of the community. This is a wonderful family opportunity to participate in the Liturgy. A two month schedule is sent out to volunteers, based on preference of mass times and availability to serve.
Contact Person: Kim Kocher
Telephone: 618-392-8181
Email: stjosephchurch_olney@yahoo.com
Hospitality is a great virtue. Friendly men and women are needed to welcome parishioners before Mass. Time commitment is 15 minutes before Mass. A two-month schedule is sent out to volunteers, based on preference of mass times and availability to serve.
Contact Person: David & Connie Brinkley
Telephone: 618-869-2397
Individuals launder and iron altar linens and cloths. Schedule is for one month and involves the time spent picking up the laundry, washing and ironing, and delivering it back to the Church.
Contact Person: Peg Kuenstler
Telephone: 618-392-5741
Email: kcman53@frontier.com
Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Volunteers need a willingness to prepare and practice the readings. Training provided. Time commitment will vary from month to month.
Contact Person: Father Mark
Telephone: 618-841-7324
Email: mstec88@msn.com
Adults help children ages 4 through completion of KN break open the Word of God through music and scripture readings. Training and Guide Books are provided. Time commitment is one Sunday a month.
Contact Person: Saundra Hough
Telephone: 618-843-0771
Email: shough@stjoeolney.com
Servers perform an important role at Mass. Youth in grades 4-8 are invited to assist the Celebrant with the liturgy as altar servers. Training is provided. A two-month schedule is sent out to volunteers, based on preference of mass times and availability to serve.
Contact Person: Father Mark
Telephone: 618-841-7324
Email: mstec88@msn.com
Ushers assist with seating of parishioners, collecting monetary offerings, Communion procession, distribution of bulletins, and tidying up Church for the next mass. A two-month schedule is sent out to volunteers, based on preference of mass times and availability to serve.
Contact Person: Tom & Deb Zuber
Telephone: 618-395-3416
Email: zuber55@frontier.com